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[Ayuda] El nacimiento de la WWW...

Ahh... como diria el Tri...

"Es la nostalgia... de fin de siglo!!"

Que chistoso es encontrar posts como este, y darse cuenta de cuanto hemos
avanzado en un par de años...

Tomado de la conferencia "Internet" de The WELL (www.well.com)
internet 373: Lynx - a text based World Wide Web (WWW) browser - now
available here.
 #0 of 327: J Matisse Enzer (matisse) Wed 05 Jan 1994 (01:35 PM)

World Wide Web (WWW) is one of the more impressive Internet tools around.

WWW is a method of providing hyper-text/graphics/sound documents for 
viewing over the Internet.

The way it works is basically this:

A WWW *server* is set up at an Internet site.  That server will have one 
or more WWW documents.  Each document contains "links" to other 
documents.  Documents can contain text, graphics, sound files etc.

To look at a WWW server you use a WWW "browser" program on your local 
Internet site.  Depending on the browser and the kind of Internet 
connection you have, you will see the WWW server documents with images, etc.

Here on The WELL we don't have the capability for displaying images, or 
playing sound files, but we do have a rather nice text-only WWW browser 


To use lynx you must be using full-screen terminal emulation, such as 
vt100 etc.  If you are succesfully using "gopher" or the "ped" editor, 
you can use lynx.

Muchos de ustedes probalemente no saben que es "gopher", ni "ped"... bueno,
ahi tienen su google. ;)



mail2web - Check your email from the web at
http://mail2web.com/ .

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